
Residential Program

Over a course of 1 year we focus on strategically preparing, and equipping men by focusing on the whole person spiritually, mentally, and physically. We teach clients the necessary life skills needed to live healthy, balanced, and successful lives. After 6 months, clients transfer to one of our recovery homes where they have the opportunity to apply what they have learned before one day transitioning into a place of their

Entry Level Homes

Our entry level homes are structured, and open to men in early recovery. Here they will find the support and mentorship they will need as they face the struggles and challenges in starting a new life. In these homes they are taught responsibility, respect for one another, as well as other family values as they prepare themselves to one day transition back into society.

Independent Living Homes

Independent homes are open to men with stable employment, and a minimum of 1 year clean and sober. These homes offer a great opportunity for men to use as a stepping stone while they prepare to transition into a place of their own.

Permanent Housing Assistance

We offer our residents assistance in securing a place of their own by first goal setting and research, in order to udnerstand what it takes to obtain and sustain a place of their own. We assist in filling out rental applications, applying for any rent subsidy programs, public housing, section 8., senior housing etc. We also help with moving, and basic furnishing upon availability

Other Services

Basic General Services & Standard Issued Items

Shelter, food, clothing, toiletries, bible, journal, pen/pencil, daily bread reading material.

Case Management

Assistance in obtaining all forms of identification, general assistance, housing assistance

Spiritual Guidance

Bible studies, church services, yoga

Focus Classes

Cognitive behavioral therapy, relapse prevention anger management, money smart budgeting

Vocational Development

Resume building, interview etiquette, job search assistance, free cell phones, buss passes for work and interviews, haircuts and clothes for interviews, paid vocational training Janitorial, landscaping, building maintenance, urban farming, auto detailing


Appropriate Housing or what we also refer to as “Safe Houses” is a structured living environment and a foundation for men to build their lives upon. In these homes they are taught responsibility, respect for one another, as well as other family values as they prepare themselves to transition back into society.


Our organization has built trustworthy relationships with outside organizations and companies that are willing to employ clients from our program. Clients get the opportunity to earn while they learn a new skill and trade which prepares them to one day be a contributing member of society.


Spiritual development is key to our success. We believe change needs to happen from within our spirit, from the inside out. The men in our homes attend a weekly bible study and church service as part of our program services.


We as an organization are always looking for ways to give back, and be of service to our families, our communities, and our church. Service is a vital part of our way of life. Once a month we go out to be a blessing to the homeless.